Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Preparing for a Home Birth

My first two little ones were born at the hospital under midwifery care. Having a midwife was a choice I've never regretted. I really encourage all women who are pregnant to look into the possibility of having a midwife attend their birth. When I started seeing my midwife this time around, she asked if I wanted a home birth. My first labour was long and difficult but my second was fast making the ride to the hospital really stressful. Staying at home for this labour and delivery makes sense, as long as no complications arise.

Even though I know that home birth is safe, and that midwives are trained to identify situations that would require a hospital transfer, I've been anxious about the idea. I blame it one my nursing background and my personality. I bought into the system and didn't question it. Check out The Business of Being Born to get more insight into hospital versus home birth. It's available on

A few days ago I took one decisive step towards having a home birth. I got Hubby to inflate the water birth tub which a friend lent to me. I wanted to make sure all parts where in working order. When the time comes nearer we'll have it inflated and set up in the living room. Yes, if I'm going to have a home birth there is going to be water involved. Lots of water. There are many benefits to water birth.

And then, I bought home birth supplies from Mama Goddess Birth Shop. My midwife gave my a list of what I needed to have at home when the time comes. It's not a long list. She'll supply most of the medical supply needed. I'm sure it would have been less expensive if I drove around town and picked up the home birth supplies myself. But, with a pregnant belly and two little ones in tow, not to mention the freezing -30C (-22F) temperatures, there just no way I'm willing to run errands to save a few cents. I ended up ordering the Deluxe Home Birth Kit because I needed a hot water bottle.

Now, a lot can happen between now and when baby decides to arrive so it's possible that I might not be able to have a home birth. In the meantime I'll be reading some crunchy childbirth books like Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Birth Experience to get myself into the right mindset. I can't believe I'm almost there.

1 comment:

  1. It's getting so close!! SO exciting!!!!!

    I'm excited for you that you are considering a home birth. I have been praying for peace for you regarding your birth. :)

    I know so many people who just loved their home births and would never go back. You can do it!!!!


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