Friday, January 13, 2012

Quick Takes Friday (no. 8)

--- 1 ---

With the craziness that comes with caring for little ones and keeping house, it doesn't take long before I wonder who that stranger is walking through the door at dinner time. Oh right, that would be my husband! What happened to the hours of gazing into each others' eyes and having the time to feel bored?

In the last four years, I've really come to appreciate the importance of date nights. Tonight, we have our fist date night of 2012 and hopefully there will be many more to come. Here is a list of 10 Romantic (Stay-at-Home) Date Night Ideas or check out The Dating Divas for some fun date night ideas.

--- 2 ---

Cheesemaking. I love eating it and I want to learn how to make it. This is one of my goals this year. I have been reading Artisan Cheese Making at Home and Home Dairy. The next step is to order some basic supplies from Glengarry Cheesemaking and then buy a cow. Ok, so maybe not a cow... at least not yet.

--- 3 ---

When did we buy into the idea that every person/family needed to have their own housing? It creates so much waste and overuse of the planet's natural resources. Plus, we become so disconnected from our community and live in isolation. After living in the same home for almost five years, I barely know those neighbors directly beside our home and have no idea who lives two doors down.

--- 4 ---

Yesterday I threw my vacuum hose outside in frustration (we have an internal vacuum cleaner). It's an old house and it refused to turn on yesterday. It wasn't until I pitched it outside did I realize a breaker had tripped and that was why the vacuum wasn't working.

--- 5 ---

A quilting machine or a serger? Or both? I've been sewing quite a bit lately and have been asking myself those questions. Of course the price tag to just one of the machines makes my stomach seize up. A quilting machine would be nice. Something simple but well made. Any suggestions?

--- 6 ---

I have to confess that I have a problem with contemporary Christian music (CCM). Phew, it feels good to say that aloud. My issue is that after a while the music starts to sound the same. It's as if there is a loss of originality and creativity. Now before the onslaught, I will acknowledge that there are are some talented and unique Christian music artists that I love to listen to. Here are a few I enjoy: Audrey Assad (Restless), Future of Forestry (Open Wide), Burlap to Cashmere (Anybody out There)... errr... there are others but I can't remember right now (pregnancy brain).

--- 7 ---

With my third little I am thinking about having a home birth. My labour and delivery with Sweetpea was very fast and I would have appreciated staying home instead of rushing to the hospital only to leave a couple hours later. I need to wrap my mind around home birth and get some supplies but I think it's a good option to consider.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

  1. I don't like CCM either!! Not one bit. It really does all start to sound the same, we never listen to our Christian station.

    I got my serger and *LOVE* it. Keep an eye on your kijiji, I got a really great deal on mine. It makes making clothing a whole lot more fun!!


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