Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monkey Turns 4!

Last week was busy for our little family. We celebrated birthdays, went to the dentist, saw the midwife and visited with friends. The week ended with a celebration of Monkey's 4th birthday. We invited over friends and family into our little home. The day was perfect for sledding and skating so Hubby met with them at the local park for some fun outside. I stayed home and visited with those that didn't want to go outdoors.

Sweetpea braved the hill all by herself and clearly enjoyed it!
Everyone came back to home for some snacks and cupcakes. Monkey wanted me to make him a cupcake train. The end result was something that looked part train, part caterpillar, but he loved it all the same.

Monkey received some lovely and thought filled gifts from his friends: books, a soccer ball, homemade play dough, pajamas (which Monkey always seems to need), wood building sets and a handmade car roll.

Monkey gave each buddy a candy and crayon roll that I sewed earlier in the week using this handy crayon roll tutorial.

This week we plan on relaxing. In fact I haven't made is out of my pajama pants since Sunday night, of course I have changed into clean pajama pants since then.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he's 4 already! Amazing and a little scary that time has gone by so fast. It looks like you had a wonderful party :)


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