Saturday, July 14, 2012

Constant Change

The year is already half over and it's proving to be one full of change. About a month ago I was at church trying to listen to the sermon (having three little kids can make this impossible at times). That day the priest shared a quote with us and it has stuck with me ever since: "the only constant thing in life is change". I'm finding this to be true.

Change can be exciting, terrifying, wonderful and difficult. It can bring about joy or sadness, or both. Sometimes I accept change and other times I resist it.

In the last six months our little ones have grown and changed so much. We welcomed Teddy to our family in March. I've gone through the challenge of postpartum anxiety. We've put our home for sale. And just when I thought enough change had come our way for this year another major change is looming before us.

My Husband has decided to try a new job. A new job means a lot of changes for us, especially since the new job is in another city. Our family will be moving away from family and friends and going 800km South to try something new. I am terrified and sad, excited and nervous. The last time I left my family and friends was to go to University. But this time there will be no "club days" and "orientations" when we move to our new home.

Right now we are visiting the area that we will be moving to in a month or so. And while it's a beautiful place I'm having a difficult time imagining myself away from those dear to us. I know that there are many that have relocated their families and I would love to hear about your own experiences and suggestions. I have so many thoughts racing through my mind. Should we rent or buy a house? What can I do to make the transition easier for our little family? What if this and what if that?


  1. Hi Josee, I've been following your blog although I haven't left comments before...are you moving closer to where we are? Maybe we'll get to see you sometime soon?

  2. Wow! That's a lot of change for six months! South is a good direction to go. It should be warmer, right?...sorry, it's jacket weather again. Summer was too short I'm afraid.
    Transitions stretch us left and right helping us to grow in His grace and love. Blessings!

  3. Wow! Sad to hear you are leaving our neck of the woods. We'll miss you. But I fully believe that when God asks us to take big steps of trust in Him for big changes like this it can bring a great renewal to your family, especially when it is a new challenge for your husband! :)
    May you hear his voice on the left and the right, guiding your path straight.


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.