Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nature Walk: A Cold Spring Day

Today it's a cold windy overcast day. We're spending the day at the cabin on the lake and here are a few things I discovered on my walk around.

As I stepped outside I took a picture of the thermometer. It's cold, but not as cold as it was this morning. Apparently, an inch of snow had blanketed the area early in the morning. Thankfully it had melted by the time we arrived although I could see evidence of it here and there.

Spring comes slowly up North but even slower out at the lake. Here you can see the lupines just pushing through the ground. In the summer purple lupines cover the banks by the cabin. It's stunning.

There is still evidence of fall clinging to some trees. I'm surprised that these leaves are still attached to the branch after all the snow that fell over the winter.

The ice melted off the lake only a couple weeks ago. The water is murky and there aren't many fish around, much to Monkey's dismay.

In the summer you can see little minnows swimming in the shallow water. Monkey can catch them with a little net.

The irises are just poking out of the ground. It'll will be a while still before we see the flowers emerge.

I'm not sure what these are. They remind me of asparagus but I wouldn't eat them.

To join Elisa's Nature Walk feel free to visit her blog.


  1. Beautiful pictures!! Looks like a great day. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. The lake looks beautiful! It's interesting to see your little boy all rugged up in springtime. Here, in Australia, it's nearly winter but our days are still quite warm. I'd so love to be fishing by your lake - all rugged up, of course!

    God bless:-)

  3. Pretty! I just realized that the lake is your blog background and I've always wondering what the white on it is.

    1. Neat isn't it! It's the formation of ice crystals on the lake. Its a strange phenomenon that happens under certain conditions. We've only seen it once.

    2. I thought it must be something like that. It is just amazing! What a great photo.

  4. Your area closely resembles mine. How far north are you? We had an unusually warm spell which made things pop out a little earlier, but the nights still get down to about 4.

    Ah, lupines! I love them so much. Latvians consider them weeds though. They wondered why I had them in my old garden.
    Thanks for posting what's growing in your neck of the woods!

    1. Our latitude is around 54 degrees North, so a little below Lavtia. We've been sitting around 0 degrees the last couple nights... brrrr...

      Funny that Latvians see lupines as weeds. Are your lupines purple also or do you have other varieties growing?


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