Friday, April 27, 2012

Trucks and Chiropractors

After receiving an order from my physician to rest, eat and get some help, I've been doing just that. My parents-in-law have been so wonderful in helping me out this past week. I am so grateful to them. I have been feeling a little better this week and that makes me hopeful that if I continue down this path things will eventually return to some sort of normal.

While it has been a time a relaxation and recuperation we have had a couple adventures this week. One was an adventure to the chiropractors. My neck, lower back, shoulders, elbows, wrist... most everything has been feeling sore so I decided, after some encouragement, to visit the chiropractor for the first time. I wasn't sure what to expect and was nervous about going.

Wait, I'm pretty much nervous about everything these days so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that I was nervous about the chiropractor. But, I went and discovered that all those things I mentioned above were quite out of alignment. After my first visit I felt better, not completely better, but better enough to admit that it helped to get prodded by a chiropractor.

Our second adventure was much more fun. We went to an event hosted by our local library called 'Touch a Truck'. Various trucks were parked outside for little ones to look at and touch. Monkey was very excited to see these big trucks up close, even Sweetpea enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun even if the crowds made me feel jumpy.


  1. Congratulations on your first chiro appointment. D and I have been going for a few months and its changed our lives. I'm running again, and D can eat veggies again (who knew spinal nerves effected digestion?). Glad you're feeling slightly more like your old self. We're praying for you all!

  2. Wow, that looks like SO much fun! My kids would have loved something like that!!

    Good job on the chiro! I was a huge skeptic but ours has made a huge difference in Alex.

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