Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yarn Along: Down Again

A couple weeks ago I had a run in with mastitis. It took me down fast, but it didn't last long (thanks to hot compresses and frequent nursing). I thought everything was A-OK until I started noticing the same symptoms again last night. Today I've felt miserable. Luckily Monkey spent last night at his grandparents so I was able to rest. Or at least rest as much as a mom can with a toddler and newborn.

I have made some progress on my knitting projects. The blue romper from last week is almost complete. I need to weave in the ends and attach a couple buttons. Unfortunately my yarn needle seems to have disappeared.

I just started on a Pembroke Vest for Monkey which has already been frogged twice. Knitting while enduring mastitis might not be the best idea.


Visit Ginny and see what others are working on this week.


  1. Love the romper too cute. And the green yarn is lovely.

    Great book!

  2. oooh mastitis ouchy!!! Been there done that not nice. You take care ok!
    Sally is here in New Zealand at moment - I wanted to go see her but life is not letting me. Awesome book aye!

    Love Leanne

    1. How exciting that Sally is there right now! But I understand that sometime life just doesn't allow for some things to happen. I doubt I would be able to see her if she was hear right now.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry! I know the pain too. Hope you feel better soon!
    The knitting looks SO cute! I've put my needles away for a while. Trying to get outdoors more, but the rain and clouds aren't helping to encourage me. Sunshine will be here soon.

    1. We still have a few feet of snow on the ground, but I've been itching to be outside more as well.

  4. Love the little romper, it's just darling. Hope you feel better soon.


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