Monday, March 26, 2012

GM Alphalpha

Genetically modified (GM) alphalpha is not legal in Canada, but our government is considering the legalization of Monsanto’s GM herbicide tolerant (Roundup Ready) alfalfa for commercial use. Most Canadians don't even realize they're eating foods containing GM ingredients. If GM alphalpha is introduced not only will this product find itself into more of the food that we eat but it will also contaminate farmers' fields across Canada.


Take a stance against against GM alphalpha! Cban has made it very easy to email the minister of agriculture and agri-food by filling out this form.


  1. This video is adorable - and has a great message!
    My kids liked it and immediately asked a number of questions. Great discussion topic!

    Thanks for all the info. I need to check out what Latvian laws are regarding GM foods. There's a lot of wheat and grain grown around here.

  2. Here's an interesting one...


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.