Thursday, October 27, 2011

Technology Ruins Roman

Have you seen these videos? I saw them for the first time today.

It gave me food for thought. Technology has made such a huge impact on the way we interact with each other. I've noticed this especially since quitting Facebook. Of course, I know couples who have met online and are now happily married. But I wonder if technology has ruined romance or simply changed it.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Where ever did you find these??

  2. Actually, it was my husband that sent me the video. I hope he wasn't implying anything :) Apparently he was doing some random surfing.

  3. hahaha-I hope he wasn't either! I find them a bit simplistic....idealistic....but the underlying message is one I agree with. The lack of control over your own info (on FB for example) drives me crazy. I found out who actually looked at my page when I deleted most of my info out of it, and changed my relationship status from "married" to "it's complicated" (this in particular got me a few qestions). I guess it is (for me, anyways) about making conscious choices about what types of technology I will use, and in which ways I will use it. This also involves reviewing any new "technology" every so often and asking the following questions: has it made my life better? (and if so, in what ways?)are my relationships improved (once again, how?)? has it caused any harm (to myself or to other people, or have I witnessed it causing harm?)? is it a positive thing, not just for me, but for the rest of my family (including how my time/their time/their exposure to it, my relationship with my husband, and lastly: would I want my girls doing it/using it/listening to it)?
    This is a bit of a long comment, but I think the answer is a difficult one!

  4. Thanks for the comment Mrs. T :) Those are some really good questions to reflect on when it comes to technologies. I think technology can be a positive, neutral, or negative thing in a person's life depending on how its used etc. and its important that we take the time to think about its value in our lives.


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.