Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Handmade Christmas

Inspiration has set in, thanks to some fellow bloggers, and I've started thinking about a handmade Christmas. Now, I'm not one of those people that get into Christmas months before the day. No, in fact, we don't set up our tree until a couple days before Christmas and I cringe when I see Christmas stuff invading stores at this time of the year.

But, this year I want most of our family's gifts to each other and to others to be handmade. Handmade gifts will undoubtedly take more time which is why I'm thinking about it now. I've decided to join the Handmade Christmas Craft Along Challenge over at Crunchy Catholic Mama. The challenge is to move away from the mass consumerism of Christmas and to give gifts that are unique and have meaning. For the challenge, gifts can be handmade, handmade by someone else (craft fair, Etsy) or upcycled (thrift store, antique store, garage sale). I'm really excited about this challenge and I will be sharing my ideas of a handmade Christmas as we get closer to the date.

So here is my official pledge :

I, Josee, pledge to:

To take a political stance against mass consumerism of Christmas
To give gifts that are unique, meaningful and full of love

If you are interested in participating in this challenge check out Crunchy Catholic Mama.

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