Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces

I never noticed when Monkey was teething. He wasn't cranky at all. The only way I'd know he was teething was when a new tooth or two would show up in his mouth. I didn't understand the horror stories of teething infants. How could it be that bad? Before you start sending me nasty comments, know that I've been caught. Yes, Sweetpea has turned into a drooling cranky teething monster. The only thing that was helping was consistent doses of tylenol or ibuprophen (or both!), but I started to feel like pharmaceutical drugs weren't the healthiest alternatives.

Then a couple weeks ago I received a call from a friend who had an equally cranky teething toddler. She suggested trying a baltic amber teething necklace and offered to pick one up for Sweetpea since she was going to pick one up for her toddler. I put in on Sweetpea as soon as I got it.

Baltic amber is fossilized tree resin that releases succinic acid when warmed by skin. Succinic acid has anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain relieving) properties, perfect for a teething baby.

Sweetpea has been wearing her necklace for two weeks now and I haven't had to give her any medicine since she started wearing it. Trust me, she is still teething! Today I saw four new teeth poking through her gums. So, the baltic amber necklace must be helping because my teething monster is no longer around.

I purchased my teething necklace locally. There are some sellers on Etsy, PureComfort is out of Calgary, Canada. I'm sure there are lots of online stores like that sells them too.

What has been your experience with baltic amber teething necklaces? Or are you new to this teething alternative? Do you think they work?


  1. All the European babies wear them. I finally got one for Jacob and I do think they work.

  2. This is not at all relevant to the necklaces, but I so remember that dress/shirt! Too cute on her!

  3. Hi! Since I actually live in the Baltics, yes, the babies wear them - not all though. I'm curious how much you paid for it. It would be interesting for me to do a price comparison.
    I've never tried them though since my three were never teething monsters.

  4. I paid about $25 for the necklace. How does this compare to the cost over there? Also, I was wondering do babies wear necklaces or bracelets or both?

  5. Mrs. T, she wears the shirt all the time! I think it's so adorable :)

  6. I bought my baltic amber teething necklaces from a natural baby boutique. I think they work. My sister swears by them. Great post!


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