Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcoming Our New International Student

The new year has already brought change for us. Just yesterday we welcomed into our home a young (eleven year old) student from Korea. He will be staying with us for two months and maybe longer. His transition is going well and he gets along well with Monkey. I've quickly discovered, however, that he is scared of the furnace beside his room. He insists that I leave the light in the furnace room on the whole night. I don't think he's ever seen a furnace before because he grew up in an apartment. I hope that as he becomes more comfortable in our home he'll come to realize that the old rattling rumbling furnace won't get up in the middle of the night and eat him.


  1. He looks like a real cutie :)

  2. wow! so young! i was 14 going on 15 when i went to germany as an exchange student. and they were making an exception with me because my family is from germany and i'd been there every year since i was born. i'm very impressed. you're a sweet host mama to leave the light on for him. i hope you all gain something wonderful from your experience together!


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.