Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Counter Cabin Fever: Go Cross Country Skiing

The Christmas festivities have passed and snow continues to pile up outside. As a child, I treasured the winter season. It was a time of sledding, skating, making snow forts and eating snowflakes from the sky. When I went away for university I still anticipated coming home to play in the snow.

Then something significant happened, I had two little ones. All of a sudden winter time took on a whole new meaning. Getting out in the cold was no longer easy and fun like it had been. No, with two little ones dressing up for the cold outdoors is no small task and once outside it doesn't take long for them to get cold and cranky. For the last few winters I've found myself falling pry to Cabin Fever.

As this winter approached I found myself feeling depressed about the shorter days and colder weather. I seriously contemplated moving South to warmer weather. I wallowed and whined. Then Hubby and I went out and bought some fluorescent yellow cross country skis. These obscenely bright skis have become a ray of light in these long dark winter days (literally - they almost glow in the dark!).

It's hard work puling the little ones behind in the trailer. Monkey alone weighs a hefty 40lbs. But it's such a great way to get out and experience the beauty of winter. If you have snow around I highly recommend giving it a try!

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