Monday, August 16, 2010

Morning Prayer with a Toddler

I'm not a morning person. I never was. Now that I have two little ones, I can't sleep the morning away. I have to get up and and put my grumpy game face on. I get out of bed when I hear Monkey yell "Maman! Maman! Poopoo!" from his room. He has a consistent first-thing-in-the-morning poop. The potential for disaster gives me the adrenaline boost I need to jump out of bed and start my day.

Poop aside, I've been trying to make prayer as part of our morning routine too. We are keeping things very easy and simple. Here's the morning prayer that we chose:

Morning Prayer

My God, I offer up to Thee
My soul and heart, Thine own to be;
And all I do or hear or say
And all my work and play.

This prayer comes from Religion in the Home (1938) by Katherine Delmonico.

Monkey isn't that interested in morning prayer. He'd rather eat breakfast and create messes instead. I've tried to attach actions to the prayer, which has helped. I'm also trying to figure out the best time to say this prayer with Monkey. After breakfast seems to work better than before breakfast.

What are your thoughts? Do you or would you pray in the morning with your little one(s)? What are some of your favorite family prayers?

Monkey's morning grogginess :-)

1 comment:

  1. No morning prayers yet, but I do say a bedtime prayer with (umm FOR) my little guy. I love the little prayer you chose.

    Growing up, we always said the rosary first thing in the morning, so I'm hoping to do that with my kids-- at some point.

    And...what a cute morning face!!! Little kids have the best sleepy expressions :)


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.