Saturday, August 14, 2010

The 40th Wedding Anniversary

This last week has felt like three instead of one. A nice Sunday's rest is just what we need around here. Thursday I spend 12 hours cooking for my in-laws' 40th anniversary celebration dinner; it was hard work. At the end of the day I was beyond myself. I felt relieved, happy, irritated, angry and so many other emotions. I came home and watched the final episode of Hell's Kitchen season 7 and it gave me perspective... at least I wasn't cooking for Chef Ramsay! Here is a pictorial summary of Thursday and the celebration on Friday.

The fridge was very full. I guess that's to be expected when cooking dinner for an estimated 75 people.

I was very eager to get started.

My SIL loves raw meat :P

This large pot of chili had to be stirred every 15 minutes for about 6 hours. My SIL's biceps are noticeably larger.

Here's 32 lbs of pork butt for the pulled pork.

The Matantes cutting cheese.

Here's how we cooled the large pot of chili before jamming it into the fridge. My SIL massaged the pot to speed up the cooling process.

After a good night's sleep we were ready to get the party started. Making punch is a thrilling activity!

Do we look good or what :)

Father blessed my parents-in-law and the food.

We did it!

And we had way too much food...

The happy couple lounging on their new swinging chair (a gift from the guests). My niece is looking scared in this picture, they must have been swinging really fast!

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I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.