Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Preserving the Bounty from Covert Farms

Our stuff is slowly finding spots around the house. There are still many boxes to unpack but I've moved them to the basement so that they can be conveniently ignored. There hasn't been much time for unpacking, not with all the produce needing to be preserved.

Soon after arriving here we signed up for CSA through Covert Farms. Every Thursday we receive a box of locally grown organic fruits and vegetables. It's very exciting for the little ones to unpack the box and see what treasure lay hidden inside. Actually, I'm probably more excited than they are. Soon after we started receiving our weekly box I discovered that Covert Farms has a u-pick too!

It's an organic u-pick with blueberries, blackberries, peaches, strawberries, tomatoes (a variety), hot peppers, melons, squash, tomatillos, and basil. If I was excited for the veggie box you can probably imagine my exhilaration when I arrived at the u-pick. The only thing holding me back were a cranky toddler and baby.

After three trips to Covert's u-pick farms, I have peaches and tomatoes ripening in various locations around my house. Each evening I am a slave to the kitchen, canning peaches and then tomatoes. I hope to get (at least) one more trip there to collect more tomatoes for making tomato sauce, tomato soup and salsa.

If you are ever in the area, it's worth making a trip to Coverts Farms. Even if you aren't interested in picking your own produce you can buy it (for a bit more) at the market.


  1. Oh, that's so exciting! Fresh peaches....I am hoping to can peaches still before the baby arrives, which gives me roughly this weekend. Sounds like a wonderful discovery!!

  2. I am in complete awe of everything you manage to do with 3 small children around. Ours are 8,4,not even 3 months and most days we are lucky if a nutritious meal makes it to the dinner table. I can barely stay on top of the day to day jobs let alone add anything extra like canning!! (which I have always wanted to learn).

    So my hat is off to you and all other domestic goddesses out there. Outstanding.


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