Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Settling in to our New Home

We arrived at our new home Sunday. It took us a full day of driving. We had frozen meat and live rabbits travelling with us so we couldn't break up the trip too much. The little ones travelled well until the last half hour of the trip. It seems like every road trip (long or short) they sense somehow that we are almost at our destination. The last half hour was a symphony of wails, sobs and screams from all three kids. It started when Monkey dropped the melon at the fruit stand and broke it. I attempted to sing songs to divert their attention, with no success.

The view from our new house.
Thankfully the wails stopped when we pulled into the driveway of out new home. None of our things had arrived yet so we were roughing it the first night. It was nice to relax and not feel pressured to unpack and organize. Although, I did wipe down the cupboards in the kitchen in anticipation for our things to arrive the next day.

Monday the movers brought our stuff. I need to get rid of more stuff. I spent the whole day setting up our kitchen. It was a very hot day and I have way too much kitchen stuff. At least the kitchen is nice and big with plenty of cupboard space.

Today I continued to unpack boxes but we took some time to enjoy the beautiful weather. We drove to the beach and enjoyed the warm water. There is so much to explore around here but I feel like I'm being pulled in a hundred different directions. Tomorrow will be my last big day of unpacking and then it will be time to slow down.


  1. Happy to hear you are there and the kitchen is unpacked! Looking forward to hearing more about your new home :)


  2. Congrats on the move! Penticton will be so exciting for you guys. Can't wait to see more pictures. By the way, what prompted a move so far from all your family?

    1. My husband was offered a job here and it was something he really wanted to try out. Congrats, by the way, I heard you welcomed a little girl into your family not too long ago :)

    2. And you are so close to Anthony and Laura too. We do have a sweet little girl now, Cora Michelle is 10 weeks old already! So far she is everything I have waited so long for. She is just so heart melting and precious in every way.


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