Monday, July 2, 2012

The Wedding

My sister arrived at my home early on her wedding day. Her hair was done up but she still needed her makeup and wedding dress. I could see that she was nervous. My sister doesn't like being the center of attention.

I helped her with her makeup and dress. We put on some toxic antiperspirant. I fed Teddy, she received a blessing from my Papa (father) and everyone scrambled out the door. The Husband had already left for the church. He was playing music for the ceremony.

I was the unofficial matron of honour. My role became somewhat more official the night of the rehearsal after the priest insisted that I (along with the unofficial best man) play a greater role in the ceremony.

I'm glad I chose a dress that matched the wedding colours. I had not intended on going to the front of the church except to sign the registrar. Somehow I ended up processing down the aisle and standing up in front while the couple made their vows.

The wedding was beautiful. We slipped away from the church to go and take the necessary family pictures. The little ones were hungry and so were we. It made for interesting pictures. Teddy didn't make it into any of the pictures, no one wants a screaming baby in their wedding pictures.

The newlyweds held an open house at my parents' after the ceremony. The weather held up until the deluge at the end. The food was delicious and the company wonderful. I wish I would of had more time to visit with everyone there. Towards the end of the open house I scrambled to write my speech for the evening festivities.

After the open house we gathered at the inlaw's home for dinner. Since my role as un-official matron of honour had become official (somewhat) I thought it was appropriate to give a speech. I like talking in front of people, especially when there is wine involved. We went home full and happy. What a great day!

Now the newly weds are off on their honeymoon, biking across Canada. 


  1. Your sister looks beauitful, sounds like a lovely day.

    And biking across Canada, that is my kind of honeymoon, hope they have a lovely time.

  2. I happened to be looking at their photographer's facebook page and saw the sneak preview of their wedding, she looked beautiful!!!!

  3. oh golly, she is so beautiful, and her husband looks like a great guy! this is fantastic. <3


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