Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yarn Along: Travelling Cardigan

My sister is getting married in a week. It's an exciting time for us. Family is starting to arrive for the celebration from across the country. My grandmother (Mamie) flew from Quebec a couple days ago and my parents wanted to bring her on a little vacation before the wedding day. They chose to bring her South to the beautiful Okanagan valley and we (me, Sweetpea, and Teddy) decided to join them.

Some time ago I started a Tea Leaves Cardigan, but I had to put it on hold. One thing that I love about long road trips is the hours of (mostly) uninterpreted knitting. I've made some serious progress on the cardigan and I think I'll have the bulk of it finished by the time I return home. As for reading, I brought along Sixty Acres and A Bride, but I've only read one page so far.

Now that we've reached our destination we're enjoying the beautiful sunny weather and the lovely scenery. We are staying with a dear friend, Tante (auntie in French). When I was very little, around a year old, I went to her French day care and we've stayed friends since. I love staying with Tante, being here brings back so many memories of the visits we've had over the years.

We are being tourists and so today we visited Elysium Gardens. I've been there once before, for my honeymoon. It's such an amazing garden. If we lived here I would have a year pass for sure. Sweetpea had so much fun running around and smelling the flowers.

We also visited Okanagan Lake and had a delicious lunch at a restaurant. I don't eat out very much, especially now that Teddy is here. Sweetpea explored the water park and we even had the chance to visit a goat cheese farm. It was inspirational. I could have goats. I think my husband might let me get goats... after we have a garden, bees, and chickens... maybe not for a long while...

Four generations: Mamou, Mamie, Maman (me) and Sweetpea.
For the next couple days we have a busy schedule. We'll visit a winery, or two, or maybe three. Hopefully a yarn shop and a quilting store. We'll see. The only difficult part about being here is the fact that I'm so close to several good friends and it's paining me to not make the extra trek to go and visit them. So to you, my dear friends, who live several hours away from this land of wine and goat's cheese, I wish I could go and visit you. But, don't despair, I will be back in the area at the end of August and I will visit you then.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway for maple and birch syrup!

This post is linked to Ginny's Yarn Along.


  1. What a lovely setting, the flowers are beautiful. I like that sweater you are knitting. I take my crochet along whenever we have someplace to go; just in case I get a chance for some crafting. I came from the yarn-along. :)

  2. Amazing! 4 generations! Oh, I'm sure the memories are floating around. :-) Hope you enjoyed your trip.


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