Friday, June 15, 2012

Nature Walk: My Garden + A Giveaway

Very soon, my gardens will no longer be mine. We are planning (and this time for sure) to put our house for sale at the beginning of next month. I know that I'll be sad to leave my gardens. I'm already wondering who the next owners will be and if they will enjoy and care for my gardens as much as I do. I hope so, but horticulture isn't very popular here. Most homes have lawn and unpruned cedar shrubs, that's it.

Leopard's Bane.

Not that I can blame people who only grow lawn and unpruned shrubs. We have such a short growing season and cold winters, growing most things can be somewhat of a challenge. This is why my next home will have a greenhouse. A very big greenhouse.

My irises are finally in bloom.
We haven't started looking for a new home yet. The first step is to sell this house. Then we plan to bum around for awhile live with our parents until we find the right house for our little family. We'll put most of our things in storage and live very simply. I'm excited for this change.

As promised, I have a giveaway. I have some delicious Canadian maple and birch syrup to give to one lucky reader. To enter the giveaway leave a comment below and make sure that you have a way for me to contact you if you win. The giveaway will be open until June 30, 2012.

This post is linked to Nature Walk over at Elisa Loves.


  1. beautiful flora!! best of luck on selling your home. and ooo that Canadian syrup sounds tasty!! ((I've actually never heard of birch syrup before))

  2. Gorgeous photos. Good luck with the house sale.

    And thanks for the giveaway...fingers are crossed here for the win :)

  3. The irises are gorgeous - so dainty. Good luck with your house sale.

    I'm too far away for the giveaway but it looks like an awesome prize - I'm telling to imagine the delicious smell, instead:-)

  4. So glad the irises are blooming there. I could sit and smell them all day long!
    I'm with Vicky... I'm a little too far away and as I mentioned on the last post, we've got birch syrup here. As for a large greenhouse - I've got one too, *But* it's too large for our new small yard and so it sits and waits patiently...
    Cows, bees, trees...
    Have a great week!!

  5. Your gardens are lovely! I recall attending an elder's story telling event at the friendship center and one elder told us a story about her family doing an annual camp out to collect sap for syrup. She had a sample of birch syrup for everyone- it was delicious!
    Best wishes on your move.
    My contact number is 780-614-2409

  6. I'm excited for you... I think you're nuts but it's definitely going to be an adventure! ;)

    I haven't tried birch syrup, it looks delicious though!

  7. Not sure if you follow Kevin kossawan , but he just posted a video on his blog about how easy it is to raise bees in the city. He's from Edmonton, so I think the winter season isn't as long there as pg, but the video got Dylan itching to start a hive. We're praying for you! Let us know if you're coming down south this summer!

  8. Hi I first linked to your website through your "rabbit-raising venture" and have been popping back every so often to read your entries because they're so interesting! Thanks for the generous giveaway! My email is

  9. Yum!!! Looks delicious. Great giveaway!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  10. Yay! Those irises are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway. I might be too far for you, but if not, count me in. =)

  11. Big greenhouses are great, hmmm homegrown tomatoes... but take it from my experience, lots of hoops to jump through with the district to build it.... My greenhouse is never big enough :) never get enough tomatoes, and beans, I always want more.

  12. yum, yum yum...I have some children here who would be licking their lips....


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