Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oops! Changes and Giveaway Postponed

As you might have noticed things around here look a little funny right now. My Husband "clicked" a button "by accident". No matter. I've actually been thinking of moving my blog and changing its name. I'm finding that my current blog name is a little long winded.

So expect some changes in the next week or so. Until things have settled I'm going to postpone the giveaway, not that it matters since nobody has entered it yet. I guess people are a little weary of "surprises". Don't worry, I think I'll go and pick something up first and then give it away so that you guys aren't as nervous.

Please be patient as I move things around.


Update [30/5/2012]: I've changed my blog name to Backwoods Mama. The address is You can still access my blog through the old address but everything will be forwarded to the new address in a few days.


  1. Congrats on your new blog, Josee! I've been thinking of moving/changing/deleting mine too. Hope you are well...have a great weekend.

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