Friday, May 4, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 ---

This week was Screen-Free Week. I would love to tell you that we were screen free this week, maybe next year. We did manage to reduce our screen time, thanks to the milder weather and having my mother-in-law around.

--- 2 ---

We decided to postpone selling our home. Getting our home ready to sell was adding too much stress and anxiety to my already high level of postpartum anxiety. We've decided to re-evaluate again next month and see how I'm feeling. It been such a huge relief for me.

--- 3 ---

I am doing a little better this week. I have been getting a lot of help from my mother-in-law which has help curb the downward spiral I was on. I'm on a slow climb upward now. Some days are better than others. The sunshine helps, so does sleep. So does a new pair of trail running shoes...

--- 4 ---

Little Teddy was baptised a couple weeks ago. 

--- 5 ---

Tonight I went trail running. It was more like trail run...walking but it was good to get out for some exercise. Thankfully my brother accompanied me and went at my pace. Isn't he sweet? It was good because the rest of the trail running group was leagues ahead of me and had I been on my own I might have got lost in the trail or maybe even eaten by a bear. I need a trail running buddy. Any takers?

--- 6 ---

To go or not to go. My cousin is getting married next weekend in a city 800 km away. My parents have offered to take Teddy and me along for the road trip. I'd love to be there for her wedding but I'm not sure about the long road trip. It doesn't help that making decisions is particularly difficult for me right now.

--- 7 ---

I was a little stumped with this last quick take so I asked my husband what to write. He told to mention that Diablo 3 is being released on May 15th and that I should start playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. How these games are related I'm not sure...

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Sending prayers your way, Josee. Glad to hear some things are looking upwards for you! The photos from the baptism look awesome!

  2. He's so cute!!!

    I'm glad to hear you are doing better too. Hopefully things keep getting better and your home sells quickly!! So excited for you guys, and jealous! ;)

  3. We've been praying for you and the family. Glad to know you're doing better and getting a chance to get so "me" time. Welcome to the family of God Teddy! So handsome in his white gown


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