Monday, April 2, 2012

Delayed Quick Takes

While I continue to recover I've had the chance to check out a some interesting things on the internet. Consider this a delayed seven six quick takes post.

-- 1 --

I was happy to hear that the University of Guelph has stopped its research on the genetically modified (GM) pig called Enviropig. You can read more about it here on cban.

We might still see the approval of GM Altantic Salmon in Canada. Think of all the money that could be made by salmon that grow bigger faster, especially at a time when our oceans are being over harvested. GM fish is a scary thought.

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Bird and Little Bird just released volume six of Alphabet Glue. I haven't read it yet, but I've really been enjoying the previous five volumes. Monkey and I have plans to make the Wildflower Seed Pods from volume one this week.

-- 3 --

If you'd like to teach brainwash your children about the superiority of biotenchmology look no further than Look Closer at Biotechnology activity booklet. Your children will learn about how biotechnolgy is wonderful because it "helps" farmers, us and the earth. Just in case you missed the sarcasm, this booklet mentions nothing about problems that arise from biotechnology. Living pollution, loss of biodiversty, monoculture, monopoly, control, health hazard... to name a few... I'm just saying. Oh yes, and this booklet was put together but the leading corporation and organizations in biotechnolgy (Monsanto being one of them). Lovely.

-- 4 --

This Super Simple Easter Basket has been on my Easter to-do list. So have many other things but I haven't had much spare time these days.

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Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to sell our home, store or give away our stuff and live a nomadic lifestyle like this family.

-- 6 -- 

Wearing your baby outside when it's chilly can be awkward. You try to wrap your coat or blankets around the baby but you usually loose and trip over the blanket at some point. An amauti seems like practical and warm way to carry a baby in the cold winter months.

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