Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Yarn Along: Life with a Newborn

Our little Teddy is already eleven days old. It's been a time of joy and adjustment for our little family. I've been forcing myself to slow down and relax. I won't deny that this has been a struggle for me at times. I like to keep busy otherwise I find myself wallowing in anxiety. It's one of those thorns in my life.

Our little Teddy is a sweet little guy but he has his moments.
My knitting has been slow but steady. My hands and wrists have been a bit sore since the end of my pregnancy so I have been trying not to aggravate things by knitting too much. I have one sleeve left to knit on Seetpea's coat and then a couple buttons to hunt down. It's almost done and I'm really happy with how it has turned out.

I just purchased Nourishing Traditions and it's been slowly making its way from the box to my bedside. The only book I've been reading, somewhat faithfully, has been A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. I can't say enough how much I'm enjoying this book right now.

Sweetpea has been doing more reading than me these days.
To see what others are knitting and reading this week visit Ginny's Yarn Along.


  1. Your baby is beautiful ! I hope you can continue knitting without sore wrists. Love the coat you are knitting!

    1. Thank you :) It'll take a lot to stop me from knitting.

  2. Congratulations Jeremie and Josee! Teddy looks so much like his big brother and your little girl looks so much like you Josee, forgive me I don't know her name. We are expecting baby #3 mid June, we are all excited for a little girl, finally! Your writing, knitting and parenting skills are amazing and I must commend you on taking such amazing action to better the lives and health of your family. I'm just not that proactive (yet).

    1. Congrats to you guys as well! Your little girl will arrive before you know it - how exciting :) I hope you've been feeling well.

  3. Great pictures and a beautiful knit. =) I esp. love the last picture. So sweet.


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