Friday, February 10, 2012


The word suffering brings vivid images to my mind: tragic deaths, natural disasters, terminal and/or chronic illnesses, severe injuries, crimes. But sometimes suffering doesn't make headlines.

This winter our family has been sick with the influenza, colds and stomach bugs. It feels like we've been in survival mode since the end of November. I don't know why we've been so sick. We're careful about hand washing and eating well. And now that I'm getting uncomfortably pregnant we rarely go out in public. Yet, this very morning my little Sweetpea was sick to her stomach.

I want stomp my feet, cry and tell God that we've had enough already! We're sick of sickness. Having sick children is emotionally and physically exhausting and being a mom feels very difficult at times like this. Just a couple weeks ago when Monkey was sick at night, I turned to my husband and said "parenting is hard work!". Of course, I knew this already but it's during times of suffering that you really beging to understand the great responsibility of being a parent.

As I care for my sick little ones, I try to keep my heart open to what God is trying to show me through all this. Patience. Trust. Surrendering control. Accepting the reality of our human frailty and looking beyond that to our calling in life to receive God's love, love Him in return and love one another. I guess that's we're my blog title comes from. I'm trying to make the journey through the thorns of life to the stars of heaven. Sometimes the path is treacherous.


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.