Friday, February 24, 2012

Seven Quick Takes

--- 1 ---

Tomorrow I reach the 40 week mark. The last couple weeks of pregnancy always feel the longest. I'm finding this to be especially true with all the contractions that I've been getting. Everyone says to enjoy the last few days but its not that easy when you're feeling extremely uncomfortable and have no energy. At least I can be comforted by the fact that we will have some exciting news to share sometime in the next two weeks.

--- 2 ---

The laundry room renovations are progressing well. The drywall is installed and we have a couple days of sanding and mudding left to endure. I've been so tempted to go down there and wash the stairs and floors but there really isn't any point until the work is done.

--- 3 ---

Our house feels very small right now. With the basement in renovation and the huge birth tub sitting in our living room there isn't much room for play. Thankfully my dear sister and MIL have been coming by to take the little ones out cross-country skiing and sledding.

--- 4 ---

I'm such a sucker for period dramas. Thanks to the suggestion of a couple people I started watching Downton Abbey a couple days ago. This TV series is right up my alley. A few other period dramas I've enjoyed are North and South, Pride and Prejudice and Wives and Daughters.

--- 5 ---

Tomorrow (February 25th) is Seedy Saturday. Once a year people in our city are invited to come together and talk about plant biodiversity, heritage gardening, organic gardening and seeds. There are usually seeds to buy or trade too. This event happens across Canada. Check out Seeds of Diversity to see if there is a Seedy Saturday happening near you.

 --- 6 ---

German Pancakes are delicious and so easy to make. My friend introduced me to German pancakes a couple weeks ago. You can substitute 1 cup flour for 1/3 cup coconut flour. The pancake won't puff up as much with coconut flour but it makes for a healthy and high fiber substitute.

--- 7 ---

Here a couple cute pictures of my little ones enjoying their bath.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Good luck on the impending birth! I'll pray you go into labor soon - I know how long those last few days are.

    What are you having done for floors in your basement? We're about to replace the floor in our kitchen (hurray - we'll get rid of the truly horrific old stained blue vinyl in the kitchen with the lifting seam down the center of the room) and I can't decide what we should go with. I'd love to do tile but I don't think installation for that is in our budget.. wondering what other people do for floors :)

    Also - I'm glad I'm not the only one who's currently wiling away time with period dramas. I just wrapped up this season of Downton, and have been looking around for something else that I'll like; glad to hear that both North & South and Wives & Daughters were good, as I'd toyed with watching both but didn't want to commit to a series without knowing it'd be worth it. When your tv watching time is very limited, you don't want to waste it on something you'll hate!

    Prayers for a baby, soon!

  2. Happy 40 weeks! Yeah for a baby in the next week or two - you're almost there! Glad you're enjoying Downton as well - Andres and I are just about to wrap up season 2 and have gotten quite involved in the characters:)

    By the way, you take beautiful pictures of your little ones :) Our Ducky is one week old today and I am beginning to get back into rhythm with sleeping and spending quality although careful time with Bunny. I didn't know how much I would love having 2! I have become attached to Ducky very quickly. Bunny is also beginning to attach - it's so cute to watch her try and interact. I can't wait to hear how much fun 3 is! Take care, we're praying lots for you!


  3. Period dramas make me very happy also. They are very addicting!!
    Hang in there... every time the phone rings I jump up to answer it hoping it's exciting news!! Won't be long now!


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