Friday, December 2, 2011

Seven Quick Takes (no. 6)

--- 1 ---

Sickness has forced us to go back to the basics. Pajamas, Campbell's chicken noodle soup, Netflix, Popsicles, water, tylenol and ibuprophen. Monkey seems to be finally improving. It's been three long days of high fevers, coughing and other not so pretty symptoms. The rest of us continue to be relatively symptom free but I know we aren't safe yet. Hopefully, the extra doses of vitamin C and D will pull us through.

--- 2 ---

Advent is here. Our Jesse Tree is up (join the Jesse Tree Link-Up!) and our Advent candles are out. The Advent wreath is another matter. I'm embarrassed to say there is still no wreath surrounding our candles. Maybe this weekend, if we are feeling well, we'll make a trip to the forest and gather some evergreen branches.

--- 3 ---

I'm moving into the third trimester of my pregnancy. It surprises me to think that there are only three months left and another little one will join our family. We're excited and a little nervous too.

--- 4 ---

The many projects for our Handmade Christmas are coming together. I still have a few larger projects to start like the quilted table runners for my mother. I don't have much quilting experience but luckily I have a a lovely friend who's an a talented quilter and is kind enough to help me out.

--- 5 ---

I started taking violin lessons a again in the fall. I've only taken a year and a bit of lessons so I'm quite a newbie but Hubby and I really enjoy playing music together (he plays the piano). We hope that our playing together will inspire our children to plays their own music one day.

--- 6 ---

Despite trying to keep things simple this month, it has already filled up with various activities. Looking at the calendar leaves my feeling overwhelmed. When I feel overwhelmed, I start writing lists and eating cheese. Mmmm cheese.... when I'm really stressed I'll take a bite out of a block of Parmesan.

--- 7 ---

Hubby and I have been enjoying listening to this particulalrly beautiful yet intense Beethoven sonata.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you eat cheese when stressed! What tastier way to forget the maladies! Love, it, Josee :)


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