Saturday, November 12, 2011

More Advent Goodies

As I've been checking out other blogs I've come across some fun Advent things. This post is hardly original. Jessica over at Shower of Roses has recently posted about many of these items. I've added a few of my own finds too.

There also a beautiful set of O Antiphons ornaments.

The feast of St. Nicholas takes place during Advent, on December 6th. There are so many ideas for celebrating this feast day. Last year we did this. Jessica has some neat traditions too (Feast of St. Nicholas - 2010). Here are a few fun St. Nicholas figurines for little ones.

St. Nicholas wood peg doll made by StAnnePixies and St.LukesBrush

How about Advent music? Advent music albums are not easy to come by, but here are a couple that I came across:

You can get A Season of Hope: Rediscovering Our Advent Heritage by Brotherhood of Hope on iTunes, or you can listen to samples here.

The Feast of Seasons by Steve Bell also has some Advent songs (numbers 1 to 5) .

Each Advent we set up our nativity scene and slowly fill it up as the Advent progresses. This year I wanted to find a nativity scene that my little ones could play with.

Nativity set made by Playmobil.

There also some nativity sets made by HABA, Kathe Kruse, and Holztiger. These sets are quite pricey but beautiful and well made.

These nativity magnets are neat. You can get them from Wee Believers or make them yourself by following these simple instructions.


  1. Hi! I stumbled onto your blog today. You've listed some great resources here! Would you consider submitting this post to my Nativity Carnival (running weekly Advent through Epiphany)?

  2. Thanks for joining the Nativity Carnival! I hope you consider submitting again in the coming weeks.

  3. I love the Jesse Tree Ornaments! So beautiful!

  4. Hi Josee,

    So glad to find your blog! (I think you posted on mine, about the Advent music?) I'll be checking out the albums you listed above; thank you for the ideas. Am also following you; would like to read your posts regularly.


  5. Hello Cheryl, I'm glad you came across my blog. I hope you enjoy the music suggestions. Thanks for following :)

  6. Hi Josee, I'm here from Kerry's Advent link up! Great Advent ideas. thanks for sharing. Nice to meet you.


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