Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Enjoying Fall

Summer left much to be desired. With trepidation, I accepted that fall had arrived. Yet, I began to notice beautiful fall changes taking place around me. Right now, the yellow hued trees stand in contrast to the dark green evergreens surrounding our home. It's a sight difficult to miss, it's so striking.

In the morning, the cool fog swallows our street. It's heavy with the sweet scent of the plants rotting. Soon as the sun pierces the fog we make our ways outdoors.


The little ones are amazed by the fall changes. Monkey notices the colourful leaves and yellowing grass. Sweetpea tries to keep up to her big brother. We are enjoying fall.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetpea has such a cute jacket - did you make that one? I'm loving the buttons. Bunny is currently in love with buttons :) Glad to see you getting out and enjoying the crisp weather. Sure has gotten cold over here fast. We've gone out for some walks in the evening, and I feel like it's almost too cold without the snowsuit on!


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