Friday, September 30, 2011

Seven Quick Takes (no. 6)

--- 1 ---

I am 19 weeks pregnant. We had our ultrasound this week and our little one is growing well. No, we don't know if it's a boy or girl; we like surprises. My due "time" is the end of February, beginning or March. It feels like there is lots to think about and prepare for before this little one joins our family.

--- 2 ---

With the weather cooling, I seem to be spending more time in the kitchen. Keeping everyone supplied with a fresh bread, muffins and cookies is a task I enjoy doing at this time of year. Right now I have a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies from Chewy, Gooey, Crispy, Crunchy Melt-in-Your-Mouth Cookies in the oven. Yum!

--- 3 ---

Our raw milk herd share has been cancelled. It was sad news to receive. There is an interesting article on raw milk over on well preserved: Raw Milk No Longer Legal in Ontario – History of Canadian Dairy and a Global Perspective. If we lived in the country, I would love to have a cow of our own.

--- 4 ---

Tomorrow, October 1st, is the feast of St. Terese de Lisieux. I'm planning to make a fancy French feast to celebrate the life of this amazing woman of God. Elisa is also hosting a St. Terese Link-Up!

--- 5 ---

I started taking violin lessons again. I took lessons for a year but stopped after Sweetpea was born. I really enjoy music and like the challenge of learning a new instrument.

--- 6 ---

It has been a while since I've linked up to Ginny's Yarn Alongs. I'm knitting like a lot but over the last few months I have been so tired with being pregnant that blogging has taken a hit.

--- 7 ---

The month of October is an exciting one. So many feasts to celebrate and such beautiful Fall changes to see and explore.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Congrats Josee!! Exciting and tiring! Praying all continues well in the pregnancy!

  2. You should look into Goats. Father John Smith used to have one with a kid and they are allowed in some residential areas. They're like a built in lawn mower too, because they only eat the top of grass rather than rip it out by the root like cows. You should see if they are within bylaw in PG because they are fantastic pets and good with children.

  3. Congratulations to you and your family on the forthcoming new addition! What wonderful news for you all! Sorry to hear about your raw milk falling through. Hopefully you find another one :)


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