Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumnal Equinox

Today is the Autumnal Equinox and it marks the first day of Fall. Cooling weather, falling leaves and the sweet smell of autumn make me rush to finish up projects that are frost sensitive. A variety of herbs from my garden have been drying inside, while I've been busy at work preserving apples into juice, applesauce and dried apple rings. My Husband has purchased and stored hay for the winter and our rabbits are kindling for the last time this year. Since snow can arrive early and unexpected in these parts, winterization has already begun. There are still many tasks to do but eventually some plants will get dug up (dalias and gladiolus) and brought it while others will get planted (garlic, lilies, tulips), the rabbit shelter will get walled up, gardens will be cleared, compost spread, and a host of other tasks will get finished.

As I think of all the tasks that need to be accomplished, I've been reading The Rhythm of the Family by Amanda Blake Soule and Stephen Soule. For each month of the year, the Soules share stories and ideas for recognizing and celebrating the changing seasons. The book inspires families to explored nature and be creative. It's a beautiful book and I'm hoping to get my own copy (I'm reading a library copy). For the month of September, the book offers the idea of making a harvest journal. Last year I recorded what I put up in jars (canning) which was very helpful for this year's canning. This year, I'm inspired to take it a step further, and make note of what was harvested from my (very small) garden as well as what was foraged, and preserved by dehydrating and freezing.

As Fall begins what sort of activities are happening around your home?

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