Friday, August 12, 2011

Seven Quick Takes (no. 4)

1 - Everybody has to suffer. The one thing about reading the news or even reading other blogs that I find difficult is hearing about all the suffering that people are experiencing. Everybody suffers in one way or another. Fr. Stan Fortuna captures this reality in his funky monk rap song Everybody Got To Suffer. Hearing about others' suffering makes my heart ache. Today I read about a lady, Jennie, that recently and suddenly lost her husband to a heart attack. To remember him she has asked that people make her husbands favorite creamy peanut butter pie. I've written down the ingredients and plan on making it this weekend.

2 - Pretty things make me smile. At little while ago Banner Boutique on Etsy had a sale and I splurged on a couple headbands for Sweetpea. They are adorable but I'm not sure how I'll convince my little sweetie to keep them on her head.

3 - My husband enjoys computer games and today he bought a couple for me. He quickly reassured me that he only spent $3 for the two games he purchased. The first one is called Machinarium and the second is Broken Sword 3. I tried the first game tonight. It's a puzzle type of game and quite fun. This is significant for me to say because I don't play computer games, at least not for long, and I'm very picky about what I do play.

4 - Tomorrow I must go to the farmers' market. After saying this for three weeks and not going I must go tomorrow. The problem is we've had so much rain that there really hasn't been much produce at the market.

5 - Washing the floors is my least favorite household task. Everybody has a task they shirk away from doing. For some it's laundry, others can bring themselves to clean the bathroom but for me it's washing the floors.

6 - We lost over 75lbs of frozen pork earlier this week. Monkey turned off the freezer. He must had done it over a week ago. We didn't even realize that you could turn it off using the temperature control gauge. They say not to cry over spilled milk, but rotting pork is a whole other matter. I did cry as I cleaned up the stinky mess and lugged the garbage bag full of pork I had just purchased a few weeks ago to the garbage dump.

7 - It's coming up to a year since my friend Rachael and her boyfriend Jonathan went missing while hiking. Recently Rachael's family set up a memorial for her on the mountain she was hiking. Jonathan's family has organized another search effort for the next couple weeks and hope that they will discover the remains of Rachael and Jonathan. Please keep Rachael and Jonathan and their families in your prayers in the next coming weeks.


  1. Those headbands are darling! *swoon*

    I relate all to well to the spoiled freezer contents. You have my empathy across the blogosphere.

    And oh my goodness, I will pray for your missing friends.

  2. Did you make it to the farmers market? Anything good?

  3. You know... washing the floors is a lot easier when you don't insist on doing it the old fashioned way. ;) :P

    Oh Monkey... Maybe you should change his blog name to Turkey? Yikes. What a stinker.

  4. We lost all the grass-fed beef and 2 free-range chickens in our freezer a couple months ago!! It's the worst feeling ever... Our basement got too humid and the line froze and shut down the freezer. We only noticed because the meat had thawed and melted out through the hole in the bottom of the freezer. It looked like an animal died in our basement!!! So sorry to hear about your friend Rachel as well. I will say a prayer for them.


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