Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Rain

While parts of the world are experiencing raging temperatures and droughts, here it is cold and rainy. The rain has caused flooding in some areas. Farmers are worried because their crops are rotting in their fields. Honestly, I cannot remember such a summer. Maybe the calendar is wrong, could it possible be September or October?

When we're brave we put on our rain gear and go outside. It isn't great being stuck inside all the time. But, this week it looks like we may have a little less rain and a little more sun. I hope this will be the case.


  1. Oh dear, that is too bad. Kamloops is experiencing a cooler summer as well, but it is much nicer than normal. The temperatures are very bearable, and not having an air conditioner isn't killing us this year. Maybe vacation days could be moved up a little so you could come enjoy it too?! (I know, wishing won't help but I still can!) Hope you can have fun in the puddles :)

  2. Adorable!! Yes, we are in a sever drought. I really, really, miss the rain.


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