Friday, July 8, 2011

Seven Quick Takes (no.1)

1} Sweetpea is sick. Her stomach has been upset since yesterday morning. I'm not sure if it's the teething or the cold, or both, but there has been plenty of the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) around here.

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing2} Charcuterie is the next skill Hubby and I would like to learn. I've been reading about charcuterie and eyeing up the meat grinder attachment for my KitchenAid mixer. We like the idea of making our own sausage. We have a lot of rabbit and pork in our freezers and it be a great way to use some of it up.

3} The long winter and cool rainy summer have put a damper on my canning plans. Local produce is behind by a few weeks. Okanagan cherries and apricots are starting to make their way up here but prices are high. So, I've been twiddling my thumbs while I dream of canning.

4} I'm still baking with my sourdough culture. This morning I made a batch of Sourdough English Muffins. I had to stop making loaves of bread because there was no more storage space in my freezer, but I'm experimenting with using the sourdough starter for pancakes, cinnamon rolls, muffins and other baked goods.

5} The storage room is slowly getting decluttered. I need to purchase a few more plastic bins and decide what I'm going to do with the large box of binders and bin of nursing textbooks.

6} I'm awaiting my package from Catholic Heritage Curricula. I ordered the Preschool Core Kit for Monkey. Monkey isn't ready for any highly structured schooling yet, so I'm planning to use the CHC resources more as a guide to trying out various activities.

7} The knitted Tiny Tea Leaves cardigan is almost finished. All I need to do is get some buttons and weave in the loose ends. I have another project to get started on but after checking out Etsy there's another project I'd like to start instead.


  1. I ordered my meat grinder/strainer/slicer shredder kit from ebay and it was only $100. If you want the name of the seller let me know and I'll find it, it was great deal, that set is $250 at Sears!!

  2. Let me know how you like CHC. Have you read "A Little Way of Homeschoolin"? I am not really buying any workbooks...but I like CHC most of all. They have some lovely reading books, but I haven't bought any.


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.