Monday, June 13, 2011

Living Simply: Kitchen Reveal

Now, from outer appearances the kitchen doesn't look much different than it did before. But, it's inside the drawers and cupboards that I accomplished the most decluttering. I was ruthless when getting rid of stuff and it felt great. I enjoy getting rid of unnecessary things. It's even easier when it's not your own stuff. Once my SIL and I helped my MIL go through her garage while she was away... and got rid of lots of stuff. She knew about it but she still mentions missing items to this day. I wouldn't recommend trying this at your own MIL's home.

Back to the kitchen. The container drawer, utensil drawer and the phone book drawer, which only a few days ago were driving-me-nuts, are now so organized and simplified that I have been caught opening and closing them just to peek inside.

The container drawer.

The phone book drawer.

The utensil drawer.

The process was overwhelming at times, and it got worse before it got better. But, it's much easier to stay organized when you have less stuff to keep organized. I held onto that thought as I went through each drawer and cupboard. Gone are the days (at least hopefully for a while) that I have to push the contents done and slam the drawer quickly to close it shut. 

I got rid of most plastic items including the ice cube trays, plastic serving utensils and the plastic measuring cups. Gone also are numerous knives, pens, a phone book and other things I never use or have too much of. There are still a few areas that I need to improve on more, namely the spice cupboard, but overall it's been a success.

Be sure to visit Elisa's blog and check out her wonderful success too.


  1. Hehehehehe. Yeah, I suppose it's best to get rid of your own unnecessary stuff... It was worth it though. Remember the prom dresses?

    Your kitchen looks fabulous! It is so much easier to keep things clean when everything has a place. We sent two pick up loads to goodwill and one to the dump this week when we cleaned out that room for Luke. Hooray!

  2. Great job Josee! Wow :) I've decided to go for it too, and I think my art space is the first place.

  3. It looks sooo great! I love your big huge drawers...I'd have a lot more STUFF if I had those! ;)


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