Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yarn Along (no. 24)

I'm working on another Milo vest. This vest is a gift for my friend's daughter that just turned one a few weeks ago. These days I find myself knitting mostly in the evening after the little ones are asleep. I knit while I watch Merlin on Netflix. I enjoy fantasy type shows and books. I just picked up book three of the Sevenwaters Trilogy by Juliet Marillier, Child of the Prophecy, and I'm itching to start reading it before her next book is released.

There's a huge stack of books in my room. It's overflowing from the night stand, to the floor, to under my bed and to the various laundry baskets scattered throughout my room. I'm currently going through a the stack on my night stand which comprises mostly of sewing and knitting books. It's a big job marking all the different projects that I want to do... someday. I want to make a pair of Quick Change Trousers from Handmade Beginnings and a Pretty Little Purse from Sew Retro. Then there's all the socks I want to knit from Country Weekend Socks and the slippers from Knit a Dozen Plus Slippers. When I'll do all these things I have no idea, but it's fun to dream.

To see what others are knitting this week visit Ginny's Yarn Along.


  1. Oh, that Milo is so cute! I may have to add that pattern to my to-do list!

    Enjoy the knitting and reading ...

  2. The vest is coming along really nicely! My oldest son & I just finished watching the BBC Robin Hood series on Netflix, and were thinking about trying Merlin, next. :)

  3. I love Merlin! A bit on the cheesy side sometimes, but such an enjoyable show. :) And that book of slippers looks cool.


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