Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yarn Along (no.12)

Normally I set up my picture for Yarn Along but this week I thought I'd share a candid shot. I'd like to introduce you to half of my coffee table, the other half is covered in laundry.

As you can see I don't have a particular book that I'm reading, I've got more than a dozen.

There are cook books, canning books, children's books, a Christian romance novel, a knitting book, Catholic mom books and the leader's manual for Theology of the Body for Teens which I started at my parish last week. Phew!

Thrown in there is my latest knitting project, the baby vintage petti-dress, which is coming along nicely.

To see what others are knitting this week go over to Ginny's Yarn Along link-up.


  1. Love the candid shot! And that sweet pink dress is coming along nicely!

  2. Umm, does this mean you're actually human? Do you really have piles of stuff around your house occasionally? It's not always spotless? Cause that's how I think of your house... as always clean and perfect...

  3. Ok, this makes me feel better, but HOW do you manage to get any knitting done with not one, but two little ones running around? My toddler won't let me work on any projects like that, at least not when she's awake...

  4. Yes Chelsea, I am in fact human and no my house is not always spotless! If I can manage to have the house look the same in the evening as it did in the morning then I'm doing good :)

    Abby, I knit mostly at night. Today I'm feeling pretty sleep deprived because I was up late watching Little Dorrit and Knitting. I hear you, it's practically impossible to knit during the day...

  5. Looks like my coffee table. :) Good luck with the TOB for Teens -- good for you!

  6. Hey, it looks like my house! That dress is going to be so cute!

  7. love all the books! The dress is coming along too :)

  8. I love your coffee table! I should show you my little end looks similar to that...always covered with things, mostly books and knitting things.


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