Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Menu

This week I've tried to include more recipe links. I use these links as a source of inspiration and don't follow them exactly. Some of the recipes below contain exotic ingredients but don't be alarmed. Sometimes I don't even use them because I can't find them, I don't like them or they are simply too expensive for our budget. So feel free to use the recipes below as a springboard for inspiration but don't take them too seriously.

Day 1: Slow Cooker pepper pork chops with mashed potatoes and broccoli.
Day 2: Beef bulgogispinach side dishmarinated eggplant and rice. [Korean night!]
Day 3: Crepes filled with a mushrooms, ham and bechemel sauce.
Day 4: Chicken (rabbit) stroganoff with tarragon and mustard from Cat Cora's Classics with a Twist: Fresh Takes on Favorite Dishes
Day 5: American Lasagna and sliced veggies.
Day 6: Curried lentil soup and homemade bread.


  1. I get hives reading your menu. I seriously think I'm allergic to the thought of spending that much time cooking! There are just so many other things I would rather do!

    What the heck is a beef bulgogi anyway? Okay I just looked and there are WAY too many ingredients in there. And bechemel sauce? Really? Are we on the Food Network now? Normal people don't make stuff like this.

    I like to go by the never take longer to cook dinner than it takes to eat it philosophy. Although I have been getting adventurous with bread lately...

    ;) I do actually love you, even if you're weird. I hope that my comment made you smile.

  2. Oh Chelsea! First Beef Bulgogi is Korean style teriyaki beef and yes bechemel... of course you must remember I'm French! It's actually really easy. Just a 1:1:1 ratio (1 Tbsp. butter, 1 Tbsp. flour, 1 cup milk) = delicious creamy goodness ;)


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