Friday, January 21, 2011

A Snowy Winter

We haven't had a winter like this in a few years. Over this last couple days we have had at least a foot of snow and more is predicted to come. A foot might not seem like much but when there is already a couple feet of snow on the ground it feels like a lot.

The snowplows are as busy as ever and the snow piles on the corners of the streets are getting tall. Monkey enjoys watching the plows come down our street. I am equally excited to see them but more out of relief than anything else. My Hubby wishes we had a snow plow or at least a snowblower of our own, but our driveway isn't that big enough to warrant such a machine. After all, shoveling snow is good exercise for Hubby. Maybe we'll get a snow removal device in the future when we have a more substantial driveway to plow.

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