Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ouch! 16 Days Until the Iceman

The Iceman, our city's multi-sport event, is sixteen days away. My dad, sister, brother and I registered as a family team: Team Cold Soaked! I'm doing the 5km run. The problem is I don't run. Unless I count the numerous times each week I have to chase down Monkey when he tries to escape from church, the store, the library, the house... you get the idea.

When I think about the upcoming run, I have images of myself laying in a snowbank huffing and puffing away as everyone else runs by. The problem is, the recent warmer weather has turned the snow banks into hard icy hills... definitely not a comfy resting location. No, it looks like I need to get serious and practice running.

On Wednesday I ran on our university's indoor track for twenty minutes and completed about 2.5km. The next couple days I hobbled around and avoided stairs at all cost. My muscles were so sore! Today I braved the track again. I completed 5 km in 34 minutes with four walking breaks. Not bad, but it was difficult. I plan to return to the track five or six more times before the run. It's not much time but hopefully it'll help. My goal is to finish in about 30 minutes. Realistic? We'll see.


  1. You'd be surprised how quickly your legs get into shape! If you get out 5 or 6 more times to run the 5k, I'm sure you'll be at 30 minutes on race day (or faster)!

  2. Good luck Josee!! It'll be a great thing to have done as a family once its all over. You'll rock it! So what if you can't walk for 3 days after :)


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