Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DIY Beauty Products

I'm not one of those girls that spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. I did when I was in high school but then I figured out that sleeping in was a better use of time and made me look better in the long run. These day I rarely wear makeup, only for special occasions, and my facial routine consists of quickly washing my face and putting on cream. Then I came across Do It Gorgeously: How to Make Less Toxic, Less Expensive, and More Beautiful Products and now I want to make my own beauty products. I know, I barely use beauty products, but doesn't it sound fun?

The book actually covers a range of topics: beauty products, baby, frugality, in the kitchen, fashion, gardening... But the book had me at beauty products. The recipes in the book are "natural", meaning the ingredients are not synthetic, artificial, don't contain petrochemicals, are grown/raised/harvested/processed in an ecological manner and have no chemical preservatives (as per her book).

I already use products that are considered to be safe (according to the Cosmetic Safety Database). But, I figured if you can make your own - why not try? Time to round up some ingredients and check out more recipes: www.makeyourcosmetics.com.


  1. Ooh that's really interesting! I didn't realize there was a cosmetic safety database either so that's something I'll definitely be looking at. Looking forward to reading about what you create. Thanks so much for posting! Oh - and I will get back to you about the healing herbs and am going to post the multiseed bread too :)

  2. I didn't realize that there were toxicity issues with make-up, period! I checked out the one I use most frequently and was disturbed to find out more about it!

  3. The Cosmetic Safety Database is a great resource! When I first found out about it I was shocked to discover that the stuff I was using on my little ones was more toxic than the stuff I used for myself. Yikes! That gave me food-for-thought.

  4. That cover is Gorgeous! I'm checking out your blog for the first time. Did you end up making anything from the book? I know I sometimes find great ideas myself and then never get to them so don't feel bad if you didn't. I'm just curious if you did make any how did they turn out?


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.