Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Last Crate of Apples

I have one more crate of tart apples sitting in my entrance. It was giving to me after making and storing 120L of apple juice. I've been ignoring the crate because I don't know what to do with them. My shelf is already full of apple juice, applesauce, apple jelly, and apple butter from the left over apples earlier this month.

What to do? Feel free to submit an idea. The poster with the best idea will win the crate of apples! No? Well, it was worth a try. 


  1. I'd take it-I haven't gotten around to making applesauce, and would love too. Let me know if I can take it off your hands!

  2. Mrs. T, you win! The apples are yours :)

  3. Sounds like you've already given them away, but in the future if you have extra, I'd vote for freezing apple crisps - super easy, and if you have the freezer space, a great treat to pull out and make midwinter. I just put up three myself this morning, bringing the grand total in my freezer to five pans (which is about all I can make room for). Later today I'll be making apple butter myself... it's apple season, for sure :)

  4. Check out this post on a few different ideas for apples she posted just today!


  5. Thanks Ladies! Great ideas. I may come across more apples in the near future so I'll keep these suggestions in mind.


I would love to hear your friendly thoughts.